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those were the days!

  • 1 those were the days

    expr infml usu excl

    Those were the days, my friend, we thought they'd never end — Да, были дни, сейчас их не вернешь

    When I was a little kid you could buy a big bag of sweets for a penny. Oh, those were the days! — Когда я был пацаном, можно было за копейки купить кулек конфет. Вот это была жизнь!

    The new dictionary of modern spoken language > those were the days

  • 2 those were the days

    dat waren dagen (de dingen leken anders in het verleden)
    dat waren pas/nog eens tijden

    English-Dutch dictionary > those were the days

  • 3 those were the days!

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > those were the days!

  • 4 those were the days

    היו זמנים, היו ימים (דברים נראו אחרת בעבר, היה היה)
    * * *
    (היה היה,רבעב תרחא וארנ םירבד) םימי ויה,םינמז ויה

    English-Hebrew dictionary > those were the days

  • 5 those were the days

    hey gidi günler, neydi o günler

    English-Turkish dictionary > those were the days

  • 6 those were the days

    hey gidi günler, neydi o günler

    English-Turkish dictionary > those were the days

  • 7 Those were the days.

    Das waren noch Zeiten. ausdr.

    English-german dictionary > Those were the days.

  • 8 Those were the days!

    Вот было время! Были времена! Да, были дни!

    Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary > Those were the days!

  • 9 Yes, those were the days...

    Общая лексика: Да, было времечко...

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Yes, those were the days...

  • 10 ah, those were the days!

    Общая лексика: вот это было время!

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > ah, those were the days!

  • 11 oh, those were the days

    Дипломатический термин: вот это была жизнь!

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > oh, those were the days

  • 12 those

    see academic.ru/74367/that">that 1., 2.
    * * *
    * * *
    [ðəʊz, AM ðoʊz]
    1. (to identify specific persons/things) diese
    look at \those chaps over there schau' dir die Typen da drüben an
    how much are \those brushes? wie viel kosten diese Pinsel; (more distant)
    I'd like \those please, not these ich hätte lieber die dort drüben, nicht diese hier
    2. (familiar referent) jene
    several people died in \those riots mehrere Menschen starben bei jenen Unruhen
    where are \those children of yours? wo sind deine Kinder?
    3. (singling out)
    I've always liked \those biscuits with the almonds in them ich mag die Kekse mit den Mandeln darin
    \those... who/which [or that] ... diejenigen... die...
    \those people who would like to go on the trip should put their names on the list die Personen, die die Reise machen wollen, müssen sich in die Liste eintragen
    II. pron dem pl of that
    1. (the things over there) diejenigen
    what are \those? are they edible? was sind das für Dinger? kann man die essen? fam
    these peaches aren't ripe enough to eat, try \those on the table diese Pfirsiche sind noch nicht reif genug, versuch' die auf dem Tisch
    2. (the people over there) das
    \those are my kids over there das sind meine Kinder da drüben
    3. (past times) damals
    \those were the days das waren noch Zeiten
    \those were the olden days das war die gute alte Zeit
    \those were some good times we had wir hatten eine gute Zeit damals
    \those are the hard things in life das sind die schwierigen Dinge des Lebens
    \those who... diejenigen, die...
    \those who want to can come back by a later train wer will, kann mit einem späteren Zug zurückfahren
    one of \those eine(r) davon
    there are many Mormons here, in fact, he's one of \those hier gibt es viele Mormonen, er ist übrigens auch einer
    he's one of \those who make you feel good by just smiling and saying hello er gehört zu denen, bei denen man sich schon gut fühlt, wenn sie nur lächeln und hallo sagen
    6. (the ones) diejenigen
    the coldest hours are \those just before dawn die kältesten Stunden sind die vor Tagesanbruch
    \those which... diejenigen, die...
    my favourite chocolates are \those which have cherries and brandy inside them meine Lieblingspralinen sind die mit Kirschen und Brandy
    * * *
    [ðəʊz] pl of that
    1. dem pron
    das (da) sing

    what are those? — was ist das (denn) da?, was sind das für Dinger? (inf)

    those are my suggestions —

    above those —

    those who want to go, may — wer möchte, kann gehen, diejenigen, die gehen möchten, können das tun (form)

    one of those who... — einer/eine von denen or denjenigen, die...

    there are those who say... — einige sagen...

    2. dem adj
    diese or die (da), jene (old, liter)

    it was just one of those days/things — das war wieder so ein Tag/so eine Sache

    he is one of those people who... —

    those sons of yours! — also, deine Söhne!

    * * *
    those [ðəʊz] pl von that1
    * * *
    see that 1., 2.
    * * *
    dies adj.
    jen adj.
    jener adj.
    jenes adj.

    English-german dictionary > those

  • 13 those

    [ðəʊz, Am ðoʊz] adj
    look at \those chaps over there schau' dir die Typen da drüben an;
    how much are \those brushes? wie viel kosten diese Bürsten;
    I'd like \those please, not these ich hätte lieber die da, nicht diese
    several people died in \those riots mehrere Menschen starben bei jenen Unruhen;
    where are \those children of yours? wo sind deine Kinder?
    \those... who/ which [or that] ... diejenigen... die...;
    \those people who would like to go on the trip should put their names on the list die Personen, die die Reise machen wollen, müssen sich in der Liste eintragen;
    I've always liked \those biscuits with the almonds in them ich mag die Kekse mit den Mandeln drinnen pron
    1) pl of that ( the things over there) diejenigen;
    what are \those? are they edible? was ist das? kann man die essen?;
    these peaches aren't ripe enough to eat, try \those on the table diese Pfirsiche sind noch nicht reif genug, versuch' die auf dem Tisch
    \those are my kids over there das sind meine Kinder da drüben
    3) pl of that ( past times) damals;
    \those were the days das war eine tolle Zeit;
    \those were the olden days das war die gute alte Zeit;
    \those were some good times we had wir hatten eine gute Zeit damals
    \those are the hard things in life das sind die schwierigen Dinge des Lebens
    \those who... diejenigen, die...;
    \those who follow the rules will be rewarded with privileges diejenigen, die die Regeln befolgen, werden mit Privilegien belohnt;
    \those who want to can come back by a later train wer will, kann mit einem späteren Zug zurückfahren;
    one of \those ( belonging to a group) eine(r) davon;
    there are many Mormons here, in fact, he's one of \those hier sind viele Mormonen, tatsächlich gehört er dazu;
    to be one of \those who... eine(r) von denen sein, die...;
    he's one of \those who make you feel good by just smiling and saying hello er gehört zu denen, bei denen man sich schon gut fühlt, wenn sie nur lächeln und hallo sagen
    6) pl of that ( the ones) diejenigen;
    the coldest hours are \those just before dawn die kältesten Stunden sind die vor Tagesanbruch;
    \those which... diejenigen, die...;
    my favourite chocolates are \those which have cherries and brandy inside them meine Lieblingsschokolade ist die mit Kirschen und Brandy

    English-German students dictionary > those

  • 14 the dark ages

    (the dark ages (тж. the Dark Ages))
    Средние века, Средневековье

    ...the masses of the people were intensely religious in those far-off days, properly called the Dark Ages. (W. Foster, ‘The Twilight of World Capitalism’ ch. VII) —...народные массы в те давние времена, справедливо называемые мрачным средневековьем, были глубоко религиозны.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > the dark ages

  • 15 those *****

    [ðəʊz] pl of that
    1. dem adj
    quei (quegli) mpl, quelle fpl, (as opposed to "these") quelli (-e) (là)

    pass me those books. - those ones? — passami quei libri. - quelli lì?

    2. dem pron
    quelli (-e), (as opposed to 'these') quelli (-e) (là)

    English-Italian dictionary > those *****

  • 16 halcyon days

    Мирные, счастливые дни. Когда впервые заговорили о halcyon days, имели в виду особое время года: 14 дней до и после зимнего солнцестояния (около 22 декабря), т. е. самые короткие дни в году. По сицилийскому преданию, это был период, когда halcyon (греческое название птицы зимородка) откладывала свои яйца на поверхность моря, и поэтому море оставалось спокойным. Эти ранние halcyon days впоследствии стали означать любой период удовлетворения и умиротворения.

    Do you remember the old times when prices were stable and crime was under control? Ah, those were halcyon days indeed! — Ты помнишь старые времена, когда цены были стабильны и преступность была под контролем? Ах, то были действительно счастливые, мирные дни!

    English-Russian dictionary of expressions > halcyon days

  • 17 give smb. the cold shoulder

    (give (или show) smb. the cold shoulder (тж. turn a или the cold shoulder (up) on smb.))
    оказать холодный приём кому-л.; проявить неприязнь, пренебрежение к кому-л.; избегать кого-л.; см. тж. the cold shoulder

    She got to dislike me at last and to show me the cold shoulder. (W. Thackeray, ‘Lovel, the Widower’, ch. I) — В конце концов она невзлюбила меня и стала открыто проявлять свою неприязнь.

    He could not think that he had played a handsome part. Those who knew the story gave him the cold shoulder... (R. L. Stevenson, ‘Kidnapped’, ch. XIX) — Он и сам понимал, что сыграл неблаговидную роль. Те, кто знал всю подноготную дела, прекратили с ним знакомство...

    The Negro officer graduates, however, were given the cold shoulder by white officers and generally ostracized. (W. Foster, ‘The Negro People in American History’, ch. 40) — Однако офицеры-белые всячески сторонились офицеров-негров и не допускали их в свое общество.

    Mary: "But naturally, after I married an actor - you know how actors were considered in those days - a lot of them gave me the cold shoulder." (E. O'Neill, ‘Long Day's Journey Into Night’, act II, sc. 2) — Мэри: "После того как я вышла замуж за актера - ты же знаешь, как смотрели в то время на актеров, - многие из моих подружек, разумеется, стали избегать меня".

    He had an uneasy feeling that Lawson, after helping him, would turn the cold shoulder on him. (W. S. Maugham, ‘Of Human Bondage’, ch. 100) — Его тревожило, что Лоусон, оказав ему помощь, сразу же к нему охладеет.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > give smb. the cold shoulder

  • 18 on the anxious bench

    1) на месте, предназначенном для кающихся грешников ( в церкви)

    In front of the pulpit there was a space railed off and strewed with straw, which I was told was the anxious seat, and on which sat those who were touched by their consciences or the discourse of the preacher. (Fr. Marryat, ‘A Diary in America’, part II, ch. XI) — Перед кафедрой было отгорожено место, устланное соломой, где сидели кающиеся грешники; одних привела сюда собственная совесть, других - красноречие проповедника.

    2) в тревоге, обеспокоенный

    It don't seem more'n [= more than] yesterday since you and I was a-courting, Polly. What a life you did lead me in them days! I think you kept me on the anxious seats a pretty middlin' spell. (H. Beecher Stowe, ‘The Pearl of Orr's Island’, ch. XVIII) — Помню, точно это было вчера, как я за тобой ухаживал, Полли. Ну и жизнь ты мне тогда устроила! Я не знал ни минуты покоя.

    Most of their subordinates are, however, evidently on the "anxious seat", and seem to think that some great change is impending. (APT) — Однако большинство их подчиненных явно обеспокоено и, видимо, считает, что предстоят большие перемены.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > on the anxious bench

  • 19 היו זמנים

    those were the days

    Hebrew-English dictionary > היו זמנים

  • 20 hey gidi günler

    those were the days

    Turkish-English dictionary > hey gidi günler

См. также в других словарях:

  • Those Were the Days — may refer to:Music* Those Were the Days (song) , a song credited to Gene Raskin, popularized by Mary Hopkin * Those Were The Days (Dolly Parton album), a 2005 album which featured a cover of the song * Those Were the Days (Lady Sovereign song),… …   Wikipedia

  • Those Were the Days (comic strip) — Those Were the Days was a comic strip drawn by Art Beeman. The strip compared life in earlier times, apparently the late 1800s or very early 1900s, with modern life , at the time of the strip s popularity, the 1950s and 1960s. The title of the… …   Wikipedia

  • Those Were the Days... (1995 film) — Those Were the Days... (Chinese: 慈雲山十三太保) is a 1995 Hong Kong movie directed by Billy Tang Hin Shing.Cast and roles* Francis Ng Yu * Bowie Lam Wah * Maggie Siu Ling * Chan Kwok Pong Safe Box * Moses Chan Ko Fai * Kent Cheng Chan s Father * Ka Kui …   Wikipedia

  • Those Were the Days (song) — For other uses, see Those Were the Days (disambiguation). Those Were the Days Single by Mary Hopkin B side Turn! Turn! Turn! Released 30 August 1968 Format 7 single …   Wikipedia

  • Those Were the Days (Cream album) — For other uses, see Those Were the Days. Infobox Album | Name = Those Were the Days Type = Box set Artist = Cream Cover size = 113 Released = September 23 1997 Recorded = 1966 1968 Genre = Blues rock, hard rock Length = 303:12 Label = Polydor… …   Wikipedia

  • Those Were the Days (Lady Sovereign song) — Infobox Single Name = Those Were the Days Artist = Lady Sovereign from Album = Public Warning Released = 9 April, 2007 (download) 16 April, 2007 (physical single) Format = CD single Vinyl Digital download Recorded = 2006 Genre = Grime/Hip hop… …   Wikipedia

  • Those Were the Days (Dolly Parton album) — Infobox Album | Name = Those Were The Days Type = Album Artist = Dolly Parton Released = October 11, 2005 Recorded = Nashville, 2004 Genre = Country Length = Label = Sugar Hill Producer = Dolly Parton Reviews =* Allmusic Rating|3|5… …   Wikipedia

  • Those Were the Days (1934 film) — Infobox Film name = Those were the Days image size = 150px caption = director = Thomas Bentley producer = Walter C. Mycroft writer = Jack Jordan Frank Launder Frederick A. Thompson narrator = starring = Will Hay Iris Hoey John Mills Angela… …   Wikipedia

  • Those Were the Days... (2000 film) — Infobox Film name = Those Were the Days... image size = caption = director = Raymond Yip producer = Manfred Wong writer = Manfred Wong narrator = starring = Jordan Chan Gigi Leung music = Chan Kwong Wing cinematography = Lai Yiu Fai editing =… …   Wikipedia

  • Those Were the Days (1997 film) — For other uses, see Those Were the Days. Those Were the Days (Chinese: 精裝難兄難弟) is a 1997 Hong Kong movie directed by Kin Nam Cho.Cast* Gallen Law Li Kei * Francis Ng Tse Yuen * Dayo Wong Wong Ching Wai * Chan Pak Cheung Ngau Tat Wah * Maggie… …   Wikipedia

  • Those Were the Days (1996 film) — For other uses, see Those Were the Days. Those Were the Days (4 個 32A 和一個香蕉少年) is a 1996 Hong Kong movie directed by Eric Tsang. It is a coming of age story about four friends who went to an all girls secondary school together. Cast* Jordan Chan… …   Wikipedia

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